There's been some upset over on Barnes and Noble's website for indie authors. They have apparently changed the way their internal search engine recognizes book keywords, so if you're not already a top seller and searchers aren't searching for the title or the author's name specifically, most indie books with those keywords aren't showing up. I just did a search for my books by the keywords and I wasn't listed even once (and I have five titles up!). Safe to say, it's broken. There's been some indication on the Pubit forums (Barnes and Noble's author forums) that they're working on this problem, but that information is nearly a month old and sales continue to fall for indie authors, some as much as ninety percent. This is an enormous percentage to lose when you have to scrape for every sale, and worse if you live off your writing income.
If you're an indie author, here's an email address to send a letter of complaint/concern to let Barnes and Noble know we need them to fix their search function and do so quickly.
Indie authors should be invaluable to B&N's business model. We generate stock for them free of charge, do all the design and production work, and all the marketing. We're a bookseller's wet dream. They need to show us the love we deserve before we all take our toys and go home to Amazon and Smashwords.
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