Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So, I'm sitting here with a candy bar unopened on my desk, obsessively checking my sales numbers.  My first milestone looms but is painfully, agonizingly still just one click away.

When I began this little adventure into the self-publishing world I set four goals for myself.  When I sold a hundred publications I'd reward myself with a candy bar, at a thousand I'd get a new tattoo, and at a hundred thousand something with diamonds, loads of diamonds.

I never really expected this to work.  I expected to get a few sales, garner a few bad reviews, and then get so discouraged I gave up.  My entire life I've been very industrious and this was just the latest bit of industry, and I expected it to go the way of everything else, a lack of interest on everyone else's part which inevitably leads to a lack of interest on mine.  Give up, go away, find something else to do with my time.

This time, the interest was immediate, the results tangible and gratifying.  I have good reviews on the various selling sites, I have people who support me, I'm making new friends all over the place.  It's beginning to look like this new attempt to make a difference in my life, with my art and industry, is going to be the one that sticks.

Click!  There now.  I'm about to eat my candy bar and enjoy every bite.  Come back and help me celebrate my new tattoo, sooner rather than later, I hope.

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